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संस्कृत नाम- अस्थि संहारः
Botanical name -
Cissus quadrangularis
Description - Cissus quadrangularis. The plant has a long leaf less stem with fleshy, glabrous, much contracted at the nodes, quadrangular, tendril climber. Young branches are winged, Broadly ovate leaves, denticulate and glabrous, truncate or cuneate at the base. Some aerial roots arising from the nodes grow downwards and strike the soil. Small greenish flowers in shortly peduncled cymes with spreading umbellate branches. Cup-shaped calyx, petals 4, hooded at the apex, ovate oblong. Erect 4-lobed disc with short, stout style. Fruits are ovoid or globose red berries with single seed
Chemical_Constituents- Plant contains two steroidal principles, calcium oxalate, carotene. Fresh plant contains ascorbic acid, vitamin C, triterpenoid, glucoside.
Uses -
The whole plant. It is used in bone disorders, fractures and as food in chuties and papads.

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