  1. List of Ayurvedic companies
  2. List of Ayurvedic medicines
  3. compare products
  1. List of products category wise
  2. List of ingredients -sanskirt names
  3. List of ingredients -Botanical names
  • C.K.K.M. Ltd
  • Dabur india Ltd
  • Janatayu
  • Janatha Pharmacy
  • Nagarjuna Ayurvedic Group
  • Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd
  • The Mysore Ayurvedic Pharmacy(S.N.PANDIT and SONS)
  • UMA Ayurvedics Pvt. Ltd
    1. FirstPrevious NextLast total products of 259
      1. Sowbhagya sunti modaka
      2. Srikhanda asava
      3. Sudarshana arista
      4. Sudarshana churna
      5. Sudarshana vati
      6. Sudarshanam Kashaya
      7. Sukumara asava
      8. Sukumara rasayana
      9. Sukumaram Kashaya
      10. Swasanandam vati
      11. Talisadi Churna / Talisa patradi Churna
      12. Talisapatradi vataka
      13. Tamboola Lehya
      14. Tamra mandoora
      15. Thiktaka arista
      16. Thiktaka kashaya
      17. Thrivrit rasayana
      18. Triphala arista