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संस्कृत नाम- पालक्या
Botanical name -
Spinacea oleracea
Description - Erect herbs. Leaves ovate-oblong, lobed, smooth, succulent. Flowers unisexual, greenish. Fruit an urticle enclosed in a spiked capsule-like body.
Chemical_Constituents- Roots contain spinasaponins A and B. Leaves contain f Spinatoside, proteins, stigmasterol, stigmastanol, a- spinasterol, patuletin and spinacetin. Seeds yield fatty oil.
Uses -
Leaves diuretic. Fruits demulcent and diuretic, employed in fevers and inflammations of bowels

  • Spinacea oleracea
  • Stereospermum suaveolens
  • Streblus asper
  • Strychnos nux-vomica
  • Strychnos potatorum
  • Swertia chirata
  • Symplocos racemosa
  • Syzigium aromaticum
  • Syzigium jambos
  • Tamarindus indica