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संस्कृत नाम- मांसरॊहिणी
Botanical name -
Soymida febrifuga
Description - Large trees with rough bark exfoliating in large plates or scales. Leaves crowded at the ends of branches, paripinnate; leaflets 3 to 6, elliptic or oblong, entire. Flowers greenish- white, in large, terminal panicles. Capsule black, woody; seeds winged
Chemical_Constituents- Plant contains lupeol, sitosterol, methyl angolenate. Bark contains tetranortriterpenoids, yields gum. Heart-wood contains febrifugin, naringenin, myricetin, dihydromyricetin. Wood and bark contains deoxyandirobin. Leaves contain quercetin, nitinoside
Uses -
Bark used in the treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery and fever and also as a general tonic; decoction used in gargles, vaginal infections, rheumatism swellings and as enemata.

  • Soymida febrifuga
  • Sphaeranthus indicus
  • Spinacea oleracea
  • Stereospermum suaveolens
  • Streblus asper
  • Strychnos nux-vomica
  • Strychnos potatorum
  • Swertia chirata
  • Symplocos racemosa
  • Syzigium aromaticum