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संस्कृत नाम- वृन्ताकम्
Botanical name -
Solanum melongena
Description - Prickly or sometimes unarmed herbs. Leaves ovate, sinuate or lobed. Flowers blue, in clusters of 2 to 5. Bemeslarge, ellipsoid or elongate.
Chemical_Constituents- Plant contains Solanine. Leaves contain trans-caffeic, hydrocaffeic, protocatechuic, chlorogenic and other acids. Seeds contain steroidal saponins melongosides N,O and P.
Uses -
Roots anti-asthmatic and general stimulant; juice employed for otitis; pounded and applied to ulcers in the nose. Leaves sialagogue, used in bronchitis, asthma, and dysuria. Brinjal given in liver complaints, stimulate interhepatic metabolism of cholesterol

  • Solanum melongena
  • Solanum nigrum
  • Solanum xanthocarpum
  • Sorghum vulgare
  • Soymida febrifuga
  • Sphaeranthus indicus
  • Spinacea oleracea
  • Stereospermum suaveolens
  • Streblus asper
  • Strychnos nux-vomica