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संस्कृत नाम- बला
Botanical name -
Sida cordifolia
Description - A small, much-branched shrub; minute star-shaped hair present all over the plant; leaves 2-5 cm, ovate or roundish, crenate, thick, margins toothed; petioles shorter than leaves appressed with stellate hairs . Flowers, yellow small, one or a few together; fruits 6-8 mm diameter, divided into 7-10 parts, each strongly reticulated, and with two awns (spiny protections) on tip
Chemical_Constituents- Whole plant contains alkaloid. Aerial parts contain hydrocarbons, fatty acids. Root contains acylsteryglycoside sitoindoside. Stem contains ephedrine. Seeds yield fatty oil, phytosterol, steroids, resin, resin acids
Uses -
Leaves demulcent and febrifuge; also used in dysentery. Roots astringent, diuretic and tonic; infusion given in urinary troubles, cystitis, stranguary and haematuria. Roots used in combination with asafoetida in hemiplegia, sciatica and facial paralysis (with rock salt). Powdered roots given with milk in leucorrhoea and frequent micturation.

  • Sida cordifolia
  • Sida rhombifolia
  • Sida spinosa
  • Smilax china
  • Solanum indicum
  • Solanum melongena
  • Solanum nigrum
  • Solanum xanthocarpum
  • Sorghum vulgare
  • Soymida febrifuga