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संस्कृत नाम- शालः
Botanical name -
Shorea robusta
Description - This is the resinous exudate obtained from Shorea robusta Dipterocarpaceae.
Uses -
The drug is mildly astringent, stimulant and aphrodisiac. Heated with oils it forms plasters, that are applied to chilblains, ulcers etc. A paste of it put on the head is a cure for elongated uvula.

  • Shorea robusta
  • Sida cordifolia
  • Sida rhombifolia
  • Sida spinosa
  • Smilax china
  • Solanum indicum
  • Solanum melongena
  • Solanum nigrum
  • Solanum xanthocarpum
  • Sorghum vulgare