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संस्कृत नाम- वन्य तिलः
Botanical name -
Sesamum indicum
Description - Erect, herbs. Leaves simple, variable, lobed or pedatisect. Flowers white or pink, in axillary racemes. Capsule oblong- quadrangular, deeply 4-grooved? seeds black, brown or white.
Chemical_Constituents- Leaves contain flavonoid glucoside Pedalin. Seeds yield oil containing Sesamin and Sesamolin.
Uses -
Seeds emollient, galactogogue, diuretic. Seed paste applied to piles. Seeds yield a fatty oil called Sesame oil, gingelly oil or Til oil, also yields volatile oil. Fresh leaves used in ophthalmic and cutaneous complaints.

  • Sesamum indicum
  • Sesbania grandiflora
  • Setaria italica
  • Shorea robusta
  • Sida cordifolia
  • Sida rhombifolia
  • Sida spinosa
  • Smilax china
  • Solanum indicum
  • Solanum melongena