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संस्कृत नाम- मॊक्षः
Botanical name -
Schrebera swietenioides
Description - Medium-sized trees with grey, thick, slightly rough bark, exfoliating in woody seal Leaves imparipinnate; leaflets ovate- lanceolate. Flowers yellowish-brown, fragrant, Leaves imparipinnate; leaflets ovate- lanceolate. Flowers y dichotomous cymes. Capsule woody, pear shaped, pendulous
Chemical_Constituents- Tree exudes a gum containing mannitol, fructose and digalaitoside known as swietenose.
Uses -
Leaves used in enlargement of spleen and in urinary discharges. Roots used i leprosy; bark in boils and bums. Fruits used in hydrocele.

  • Schrebera swietenioides
  • Scindapsus officinalis
  • Semecarpus anacardium
  • Sesamum indicum
  • Sesbania grandiflora
  • Setaria italica
  • Shorea robusta
  • Sida cordifolia
  • Sida rhombifolia
  • Sida spinosa