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संस्कृत नाम- पीलुः
Botanical name -
Salvadora persica
Description - Large shrubs or small trees with whitish-yellow wood. Leaves succulent, elliptic-lanceolate or ovate. Flowers greenish-yellow, in axillary and terminal compound panicles. Drupe globose, smooth, red when ripe
Chemical_Constituents- Roots contain Beta-sitosterol . Leaves contain indole alkaloid salvadoricine. Flowers contain flavonoids, quercetin, quercetagetin, quercetin 3-0-galactoside.
Uses -
Fresh root bark used as a vesicant and employed as an ingredient of snuff; decoction used as tonic and emmenagogue. Stem bark used in gastric troubles and as an ascarifuge. Decoction of leaves in asthma and cough, their poultice used in piles and tumours. Fruit obstruent, carminative, lithotriptic, diuretic and stomachic, used in biliousness and rheumatism. Seeds purgative, diuretic and tonic. Fatty oil from seeds applied in rheumatic swellings

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