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संस्कृत नाम- कासः
Botanical name -
Saccharum spontaneum
Description - Perennial rhizomatous herb with erect culms. Leaves erect, linear-acuminate, involute. Inflorescence paniculate, contracted; spikelets lanceolate, silky-hairy, longer than spike.
Chemical_Constituents- Plant contains hydrocyanic acid.
Uses -

  • Saccharum spontaneum
  • Salix tetrasperma
  • Salvadora persica
  • Sansevieria roxburghiana
  • Santalum album
  • Saussurea lappa
  • Schrebera swietenioides
  • Scindapsus officinalis
  • Semecarpus anacardium
  • Sesamum indicum