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संस्कृत नाम- त्रपुसं
Botanical name -
Cucumis sativus
Description - Annual climber; stem scabrous; tendrils simple; leaves alternate, petiolate, simple, ovate, pentangular or slightly lobed, hispidulous on both surfaces, 7.5 -12.5 cm in diameter; flowers yellow, unisexual, monoecious, 2.5 cm in diameter; fruits green, commonly cylindric, grows up to 30 cm in length; seeds white, many, compressed
Chemical_Constituents- Fruit contains acids, sterols. Seeds contain fatty oil, triterpene alcohols
Uses -
: Fruit and Seed: useful in urinary complaints, in diseases caused by kapha (phlegm) and vata (wind), in stones

  • Cucumis sativus
  • Cucurbita pepo
  • Cuminum cyminum
  • Curculigo orchioides
  • Curcuma amada
  • Curcuma aromatica
  • Curcuma longa
  • Curcuma zedoaria
  • Cuscuta reflexa
  • Cyclea peltata