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संस्कृत नाम- चणकः
Botanical name - Cicer arietinum
Description -
A much-branched herb; branchlets glandular pjj^ odd pinnate, 2.5-5.0 cm, leaflets up to 7 pairs, subopposrte, ovate-elup-c, pjjj base cuneate, margin sharply dentate, apex mucronate, flowers axillary, solitary, yellow, pods ovoid-oblong, 1.5x1 cm, glandular, pubescent; seeds 2.
Chemical contents : Root: medicagol, 12-0-Me-coumesterol. Root and coniferin-specific glucosidases; Plant : acetic acid, malic and. Phytin, saponin present in a whole gram, arginine, tyrosm. Lycme, cystme contains carotinoids and water-soluble vitamins
Uses -
Germinated gram used as a prophylactic against deficiency diseases, scurvy in particular. Acid exudation of moistened seeds is astringent and is used in dyspepsia and constipation.