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संस्कृत नाम- मार्कण्डिका
Botanical name - Cassia angustifolia
Description -
A short, low-growing shrub, with whitish stem, leases stipulate, paripinnate, with pale yellowish leaflets, frequently bordered and usually more abruptly pointed; large yellow flowers borne in axillary racemes; pods narrowly elliptical or reniform, 8-seeded.
Sennosides A and B are the laxative principles. Fruit contain oxymethyl anthraquinone. Leaves contain calcium oxalate, flavanols, isorhamnetin, kaempferol, rhein and emodin. Some essential oil is also present.
Uses -
The drug is a purgative. The fruits are also used as purgative. Traditional use: Leaf and Fruit : used as laxative, cathartic, vermifuge and purgative, Modern Use -Standardised tablets useful against constipation in patients in post partum period; no effect on breast fed baby if taken by mother.