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संस्कृत नाम- कुसुम्भबीजम्
Botanical name -
Carthamus tinctorius
Description - An annual herb, 30-60 cm in height; leaves ovate, spiny, toothed; leafy bracted heads of tubular flowers, entire or broken, orange-red to brownish red tubular florets, up to 40 mm long when entire, consists of an oblong ovary with tubular corolla, style terminating in a bifid stigma.
Chemical_Constituents- Buds, flowers, leaves and stems contain volatile oil which is a mixture of polyacetylenes; yellow and ivory white flowers contain carthamin, neocarthamin; ivory white flowers contain quercetin, kaempferol, kaempferol-3-rhamnoglucoside and kaempferol glycoside. Seed contains oil, phenolic amide serotobenine.
Uses -
Capitula laxative and diaphoretic, used in jaundice. Modern use : Flower: used in preparation of medicines for poliomyelitis, paralysis of brain and spine, other nerve disorders, heart diseases; Corolla-extract: effective in coronary occlusion in animals; Seed(50% EtOH extract): spasmolytic; Seed-oil: lowers blood cholesterol in human, increase plasma insulin

  • Carthamus tinctorius
  • Carum carvi
  • Casearia tomentosa
  • Cassia absus
  • Cassia angustifolia
  • Cassia fistula
  • Cassia occidentalis
  • Cassia tora
  • Cassytha filiformis
  • Cedrela toona