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संस्कृत नाम- करमर्दिका
Botanical name -
Carissa carandas
Description - Phytography : Thistle-like herb; leaves alternate, entire, rigid, unarmed or spinulose-serrate; head inflorescence, generally homogeneous; flower bisexual, orange-red; achene obovoid with pappus.
Chemical_Constituents- Chemical contents : Seed : yields a fixed oil with properties comparable to that of Carthamus tinctorius
Uses -
Traditional use : Root: bitter, stomachic, anthelmintic; Decoction of leaf: given at commencement of remittent fever; Unripe fruit : antiscorbutic, astringent; Ripe fruit: cooling, acid.

  • Carissa carandas
  • Carthamus tinctorius
  • Carum carvi
  • Casearia tomentosa
  • Cassia absus
  • Cassia angustifolia
  • Cassia fistula
  • Cassia occidentalis
  • Cassia tora
  • Cassytha filiformis