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संस्कृत नाम- कॊलशिम्बिः
Botanical name -
Canavaila gladiata
Description - Phytography : Stout perennial twiner with glabrous stem and branches; leaves com-pound, leaflets membranous, acute or acuminate, apiculate, base rounded, glabrous in both sides; flowers large, white or lilac in lax few-flowered curved axillary racemes; fruits large, sword-shaped flattened pods; seeds reddish brown or white, strongly com-pressed
Chemical_Constituents- Chemical contents : Fruit: Cystin, tyrosin, tryptophan, and alkaloids.
Uses -
Traditional use : Fruit: appetiser, astringent, cooling, digestive, sweet and vulnerary, useful in anorexia, burning sensation, dyspepsia, hyperdipsia, wounds, ulcers and vitiated conditions of kapha and pitta. Modern use : Aerial parts (50% EtOH extract): diuretic

  • Canavaila gladiata
  • Cannabis sativa
  • Canscora decussata
  • Carissa carandas
  • Carthamus tinctorius
  • Carum carvi
  • Casearia tomentosa
  • Cassia absus
  • Cassia angustifolia
  • Cassia fistula