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संस्कृत नाम- आढकी
Botanical name -
Cajanus cajan
Description - Annual or perennial shrub, 0.6-3.6 m high with grooved silky branches; leaves trifoliate, leaflets oblong, acute, entire, densely silky beneath and in-distinctly gland-dotted, stipules small, filiform; flowers borne in axillary corymbose racemes, reddish yellow; pods linear, straight, narrowed at both ends, densely glandular, pilose with oblique depressions between seeds. Leaflets with indistinct resinous dots beneath. Flowers yellow. Pod glandular-pubescent
Chemical_Constituents- Seeds contain two globulins cajanin and concajanin.
Uses -
Leaf and Seed : made into paste, warmed and applied to check excessive secretion of milk,

  • Cajanus cajan
  • Callicarpa macrophylla
  • Calotropis gigantea
  • Calotropis procera
  • Canavaila gladiata
  • Cannabis sativa
  • Canscora decussata
  • Carissa carandas
  • Carthamus tinctorius
  • Carum carvi