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संस्कृत नाम- गौरः सर्षपः
Botanical name -
Brassica alba
Description - Annual herb, 60 cm high; stem erect, usually hispid; leaves alternate, petiolate, pinnatisect, pubescent; flowers yellow, tetramerous, petals clawed; pods 2.5 cm long, stalked, cylindric, beak long and flattened, valves and base of the beak white with hispid hairs.
Chemical_Constituents- Chemical contents : Seed : p-OH-benzyl isothiocyanate, sinapine, sinalbin, bound phenolic acids.
Uses -
It is rubefacient, vesicant, emetic and laxative in large doses. Traditional use: SUSHRUTASAMHITA : Seed (pasted along with seed of Pongamia pinnate and cow dung): in urustambha (stiffness and swelling of legs); Seed (pasted with cow's urine) : in epilepsy and lunacy; Seed-paste : in pin-pricks and nervous disability, dyspepsia, indigestion, vatarakta (vitiated blood), insufficient menstrual flow, opium poisoning; AGNI PURANA : plant of great medicinal importance.

  • Brassica alba
  • Brassica campestris
  • Brassica juncea
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  • Caesalpinia sappan
  • Cajanus cajan
  • Callicarpa macrophylla
  • Calotropis gigantea
  • Calotropis procera
  • Canavaila gladiata