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संस्कृत नाम- भूर्जपत्रः
Botanical name -
Betula utilis
Description - Tree, 13-17 m tall, dwarf at high altitudes; stem aromatic, pubescent, resinous; bark peeling in horizontal flakes; leaves alternate, petiolate, simple, 3.0-7.5 cm, ovate, pubescent when young, irregularly serrate, deciduous; male spikes pendulous, stipulate, male flowers bracteate and bracteolate; female spikes stout, female flowers bracteate; nuts margined or winged.
Chemical_Constituents- Chemical contents : Stem-bark : betulin, lupeol, leucocyanidin, oleanolic acid
Uses -
It is antiseptic and carminative Traditional use : JOHARI TRIBE : Bark : anti-septic, ear trouble, hysteria, jaundice; GARHWAL : Bark: wound; KUMAON: Resin : burns, cuts, contraceptive.

  • Betula utilis
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