| Name -
Botanical name -
Artocarpus lakoocha
Description -
Phytography : Deciduous tree, attaining 20 m in height, with a spreading dense crown and a clear straight bole; bark dark brown, exfoliating in small round peels, inside reddish; branches viliousely tomentose; leaves alternate, stipules 1.25 cm, lanceolate, pubescent -but some portion glabrous, leafblade 10-30 cm by 6-20 cm, elliptic or ovate, thinly coriaceous, pinnatifid, lower surface pubescent or tomentose, upper surface glabrous; inflorescence axillary, solitary, unisexual, male flowers subsessile, orange-yellow, pubescent, bracts stoutly stalked; female heads irregularly subglobose, 1.0-1.5 cm, bracts peltate, fruits syncarp, subglobose, shallowly lobed, 6-12 cm long, unripe green, yellow when ripe, kemel red, surface pubescent; seeds 10 by 6 mm, endocarp horny.
Chemical Constituents-
Chemical contents : Aerial parts : latex containing water solubles, carutchouc and coagalum; Root-baric: a gJycoflavonol, lupeol, jJ-sitosterol; Stem-bark: lupeol-OAc and cyctoartenoJ, cycloartenone; Stem : 2, 4, 3', 5'-tetra-OH-stilbene; Wood : artocarpin, cydoartocaTpin, norariocarpin, norcyctoartocarpjn, resorcinol and oxyreserveratrol.
Use -
Traditional use : SANTAL : (i) Exudation of plant: rubbed over spleen in complaints of spleen; (ii) Bark-paste: to drink in troubles of spleen of man, (iii) Powder of seed: as purga-tive; TRIBES OF PURULIA (West Bengal): (i) Seed: in stomach disorder. RAMAYANA : beautiful tree; fruits edible; CHARAKA SAMHITA : eating unripe fruit along with honey and milk harmful, consumption of ripe fruits with juice of Phasealus radiatus, molasses and ghee forbidden; SHUSHRUTASAMHITA \ fruit sour, causes imbalance of wind, phlegm and bile and distension of stomach, harms semen; RAJNIGHANTU : fruit (unripe ) bitter, astringent, energiser, reduces corpuscular obesity, helps in digestion, alleviates troubles caused by phlegm, causes burning sensation, helps stool formation; BHABAPRAKASHA : immature fruit leads to storing up of energy, just ripe fruit difficult to digest but sufficiently ripened fruit sweet-sour, alleviates disorders of wind and bile; AYURVEDA : (i) Powder of bark: externally applied to sores; (ii) Paste of bark: lotion like application on boils and pimples; (iii) Juice of unripe fruit (in small doses): in constipation, obesity; (iv) Juice of ripe fruit: (in small doses) : in anorexia, wind in stomach, insufficiency of sperms; (v) Seed-powder: in diarrhoea. Modern use : Seed: haemagglutinating.